Master in Distance Education is a flagship program of the University of Nairobi to be offered to support Kenya’s Vision 2030.
Distance Education has become an important vehicle for providing education and training opportunities. The Master in Distance Education course is intended to give learners the requisite theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in Distance Education. The course is complemented by selected case studies, which have been developed from a wide variety of distance education setting in different parts of the world. Practical work is also built into the course in order to give students the necessary experience in developing producing distance education programmes for specific purposes.
The objectives of the programme shall be to: -
- Provide knowledge, skills and appropriate attitudes for designing and managing Open and Distance Education programmes.
- Equip learners with philosophy, theories and concepts of ODE
- Provide skills for planning, designing, developing and producing effective ODE materials
- Equip the learners with skills, knowledge and strategies necessary to critically monitor and evaluate the open and distance education programes.
- To provide learners with knowledge and skills in ODE and mindset for transformation and attainment of sustainable developments.
For more information contact; Dean School of Open & Distance Learning, 0720209996 dean_externalstudies@uonbi.ac.ke or Chairman Department of Educational Studies dept-edustudies@uonbi.ac.ke
- Log on to the University of Nairobi Website application link www.application.uonbi.ac.ke.
- Type and enter or click on the slot written REGISTER to register your email with the University online application system and proceed.
- Select the School as School of Open &Distance Learning and the mode of study as ‘distance learning’
Application Fee
- Application fee is Ksh. 3,000/- and is non-refundable. Its payable at the last step of the online application vie Mpesa Paybill number or deposit to KCB account or credit card or visa, details which are provided in online application portal as the application is done.
- The course shall run over a minimum period of four (4) semesters and a maximum of ten (10) semesters of fifteen (15) weeks each.
- The course shall comprise course work, examination and research project.
- The course work shall consist of eleven (11) core course units, and one (1) elective
- The student shall be required to take a minimum of two (2) course units and a maximum of four (4) course units in a semester
- The School reserves the right to decide the elective to offer in any academic year
- The research project shall be equivalent to four course units, and it shall be undertaken after completion of coursework.
Admission Requirements
- The common regulations for the Master’s Degree in the University of Nairobi shall apply.
- The following shall be eligible for admission:
- A holder of a Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with at least a Second Class Honours, Upper Division of the University of Nairobi, or an equivalent qualification from other institutions recognized by Senate
- A holder of Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with at least a Second Class, Honours, Lower Division, with two years relevant working experience
- A holder of Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with at least a Pass and a Post-graduate diploma or with five years relevant working experience
Career prospects
Graduates of this course will have capacity to work in many distance education initiatives, institutions of learning offering programmes through distance mode, Non-governmental Organizations, Virtual Universities, media and material production firms and offering education in emergencies and conflict areas among others.
Fees and Funding
TOTAL FEES - 302,000Foreign students pay 25% more
Foreign students pay 25% more
Per Annum Per Semester 2 Years
Kshs. Kshs. Kshs.
Medical 10,000
Activity 4,000
Library 3,000 12,000
Caution refundable (5,000)
Computer 10,000
Registration 1,000 2,000
Examination 10,000
Student ID 1,000
Total 49,000
Master in Distance Education 240,000
Statutory for two years 49,000
Minimum fee payable first semester (3 Units) 74,500
Minimum payable every semester 45,000
Maximum number needed to finish the course is six semesters
Students are requested to pay their fees by direct cash deposit at any Absa Bank branch to UON CESSP COLLECTION A/C NO. 2032771362 ABSA BANK, ABSA PLAZA. Please take note that cash payments or cheques will not be accepted.
School of Continuing and Distance Education
Exam Regulations
1 Written Examination
7.1.1 All course units taken in a given semester shall be examined at the end of that semester.
7.1.2 A candidate shall be required to pass in all course units in order to be allowed to proceed to the research project.
7.1.3 A course unit shall be examined by a written examination of three hours duration.
7.1.4 Pass mark shall be 50%.
7.1.5 Coursework shall constitute 40% and the final examination 60%
7.1.6 A candidate who fails to satisfy the examiners in any unit(s), may, on the recommendation of the Board of Examiners and approval of the Senate, be allowed to take up to two supplementary examinations in the unit(s) failed.
7.1.7 A pass obtained in a supplementary examination shall be recorded as 50%.
7.1.8 A candidate shall be discontinued if he/she fails a second supplementary examination in any paper or fails to complete the programme during the prescribed duration.
7.2 Research Project Examination
7.2.1 The research project shall be marked out of 100% and the pass mark shall be 50%. The Research Project shall be equivalent to four (4) course units.
7.2..2 A candidate who fails in the Research Project paper shall be required to re- submit it for up to two (2) times within the prescribed period.
7.2.3 A pass obtained in a re-submitted research project shall be recorded as 50% in the student’s academic record.
7.2.4 A candidate who fails in the second re-submitted research project shall be discontinued.
7.2.5 A candidate shall be required to defend the research project proposal and the final project report.